Monday, January 08, 2007

The Piano

The Piano begins with males being in control and taking care of the females. It first shows Holly Hunter, who plays Ada, being put into an arranged marriage by her father. A scene in the beginning that also shows male control is when the men carry Ada and her daughter from the boat to the shore. It not only outlines the social power over women, but also the physical and total control over their lives. This movie shows many instances of a woman being totally controlled by a man, such as when Ada's finger, her one tool to make her have a connection to the hearing world, is cut off because of her emotional choice in a forced situation. This male control is a big theme is female made films, and is significant in this movie because the main character's entire experience focuses around these relationships. The woman in this film overcomes the men, this empowerment is a very common theme in female made movies.
Full male frontal nudity is used in this film in an artistic and intimate way. In class we discussed that this is not a common theme, usually just the backside is generally shown with men. I believe Campion showed more naked body because it shows the personal struggle and loosening of emotions during the chararacters' transitions. In addition, highly visual and graphic sexual scenes are shown only to evoke and show deeply personal emotions. It is obvious that the scenes that use nudity and sexuality are present because they show changes with the character's feelings, and are not there primarily to have a quota of naked people fulfilled. Unlike in films controlled by men, this sex scene is not primarily to show nudeness. This can be shown by the highly charged and sexual scene where Baines looks at Ada's ankle, then inspects the hole in her stocking. Although there is no nudity, it is not needed to convey the emotions present. This is important because the film is made by a woman, and although there is nudity shown, it is obviously not necessary. This movie shows elements that are present in films made by women, in addition to the ones mentioned is the emotional aspect, which the film is centered around.


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