Clueless was a classic movie for all preteens in the 90's. It was one of the movies that all the girls would die to watch whenever we had sleepover parties. Clueless was meant to define the lifestyle of over privileged teens living high class life. Clueless depicts the shallowness of popularity in high school. It indirectly makes fun of how shallow teenagers are in high school. It also started a trend with young girls to be extremely feminine and accessorize to the max. Although Clueless was a huge hit, many of the actors and actresses never regained their popularity after the film. Clueless was such a big hit, that they even made a TV. show after it. Although, the show never became as popular as the movie. A big part of this film is when the main character Share, (Alicia Silverstone) decides to reach out to the new girl and make her pretty. She is supposed to be doing a good deed but it really just shows how shallow and self-centered high school girls can be. Although high school was nothing like how it was depicted in the film for me, I found that I can compare them to some degree. Girls weren't walking around with furry pens and completely matching outfits, but they were still cliquey. It shows how mean girls can be and how hard high school can be if you are not in the right crowd. It also shows the lifestyle of teenagers with money in a comical way. Although many people do not actually live like this, it is still realistic with a humorous spin.
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